Some guy—any guy—named Joe sure is popular in the McPain campaign. While Palin is flirting with Joe Six Pack, McCain tried to snuggle up to "Joe the Plumber" 21 times in Wednesday's debate. Joe Wurzelbacher of Ohio was an undecided voter who had a brief chat with Barack Obama on the campaign trial. Now he's an unwitting player in the presidential campaign. And he's getting his 15 minutes of fame, a Wikipedia entry and some unwelcome scrutiny from the IRS. Think he's stoked on McCain?
Now, the hard questions. Why, all of the sudden, is Joe the default name for 'average American guy'? What happened to John Doe and John Q. Public? Do they know they have been cast aside for Joe? Were they even offered a position on McCain's team before they were so ruthlessly kicked to the curb? And how does Joe Biden feel about Joe-Mania?
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