Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate is ON!

JMc: "Daddy George, please don't leave me. I can't do this. I don't want to go to the debate. I'm scared!"

GWB: "There there now, little Johnny, you'll be alright. Just stick to yer talkin' points, like I always did. If they ask you something, you know, intellectualistic, then just remind them how terrible 9/11 was, and that we have to defeat the terrorists at all costs. OK Johnny? You can let go now. Johnny, let go... your sweatin' on me John..."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Meet The Press?

Well now, that was certainly worth waiting for. After successfully avoiding the media for weeks, Sarah Palin finally blurted out poorly memorized responses to exactly four queries from reporters, and the results were pretty much what you'd expect: soft questions, canned answers, mangled sentences, and blank stares. George? Is that you? Nice lipstick.

I don't know who to despise more... the rabid anti-choice gun nut Bambi killer VP wannabe, or the spineless, sleepy media sloths who forgot why they got into that business in the first place. The most valuable take-away from the exchange? Palin thinks that every student in America needs to drop what they are doing to visit the "community of New York" to pay their respects at Ground Zero.... lest they never forget what happened there, and to not repeat it. Yeah, she accidentally said that.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama. Obey. Oh boy.

Pop art icon Shepard Fairey of Obey Giant fame has designed some cool Obama stickers, available at Sticker Robot, a really nifty site (if you're into that sort of thing). You'll receive them just in time for the critical last weeks before the election that either gives us a ray of HOPE for the future, or a slap of McPain that will sting for at least four years. So... 'Barack' The Vote.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Save The Golfers

Here on the Peninsula, where the clean saltwater of the Monterey Bay Natl. Marine Sanctuary gently laps at the wedding quality white sand of Carmel and Pebble's Beaches, we take our environmental issues seriously. So when some wayward Red-shouldered Hawk thinks it's okay to intrude on the hallowed and protected grounds of Spyglass, Spanish Bay or the Pebble Beach Golf Links, and disturb golfers in their natural habitat... well, something must be done. Fortunately, the bird respected the boundary and moved on quietly without threatening these two fine gentlemen; no response was required. 

Also, odd rock formations have been found along local beaches and there's speculation that a hippy/artist organization is working subversively in the area, promoting serenity and quiet contemplation. Pebble Beach security is on heightened alert. (photos by Mom)

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Johnnie don't surf!"

But Barack does, the hard way—without a board. Check out the Hawaiian homeboy charging it in the shorebreak with classic form, commitment, and intense focus. Who would Lt. Colonel Kilgore vote for; fellow soldier McCain, or fellow surfer Obama? We know this... McCain can't raise his arms over his head. How is he supposed to 'claim it' after a nice, deep tube? Seriously though... McCain is a kook.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Kill bears, censor books, drill ANWR and teach creation?

Apparently, I don't know one single person who can come up with one single intelligent reason to support Sarah Palin's bid for the second highest office in the US. Everyone I know is scratching their heads and crooking their eyebrows and wondering if this nightmare can actually come true. Lets stop wondering and start worrying. Because look what happened last time we wondered a moment too long.

First, vote for Obama. Second... if YOU know somebody who thinks Palin might be a good VP—or far worse, President (should McCain um... expire)—then please enlighten them. has a library of easy-to-email high production quality one minute videos that will leave no one on the fence. Also, there's a pretty compelling list of reasons (and incriminating photos, oh boy!) that not only assert why Palin will make a TERRIBLE leader, but also support that she's a terrible person, who would rather shoot animals and burn books than travel abroad. She's G.W. Bush in a skirt... and potentially more dangerous than Bush and McCain combined. And she's my pick for 'Next Politician To Accidentally Shoot Someone In The Face'.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Palin bounce ruins my vacation

I go on vacation (complete with a media semi-blackout... hey, I was keeping busy in the city that never sleeps) and this is what happens? Ten days ago Sarah Palin was a joke of a newly named VP candidate—and barely a politician, for that matter. And now, McPalin and Obama are EVEN in the polls? WTF?! I'm sorry to be so self focused, but this is ruining the very recent happy memories of NYC sake bars and the world's finest tennis players doing battle on center court at the US Open in Flushing Meadows. We had really nice court-side seats, too. (sigh)

This photo is making the rounds on the internet, and my dead-eye Photoshop expert friend says he can't tell if it's faked or not. No matter. The concept that Palin is an armed, bikini-clad Bambi killer is certainly not in question. Be careful America... sometimes you get what you ask for. And you will certainly deserve it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Staycation? Not a chance. Heading to NYC for the US Open, and four solid days of pro tennis spectator-ing with one Mr. Holden Hume. Hoping for a Nadal/Federer slugfest of a final, which will further lock them into a McEnroe/Borg-like rivalry for the next few years. Also hoping... to hit most of the Manhattan sake bars I've researched... to play tennis in Central Park... that there are fresh, hot bagels close to the hotel, and... that Liza Minnelli is NOT singing the national anthem on the evening of the finals. Again. Sorry, it's just TOO New York.