Thursday, September 25, 2008

Meet The Press?

Well now, that was certainly worth waiting for. After successfully avoiding the media for weeks, Sarah Palin finally blurted out poorly memorized responses to exactly four queries from reporters, and the results were pretty much what you'd expect: soft questions, canned answers, mangled sentences, and blank stares. George? Is that you? Nice lipstick.

I don't know who to despise more... the rabid anti-choice gun nut Bambi killer VP wannabe, or the spineless, sleepy media sloths who forgot why they got into that business in the first place. The most valuable take-away from the exchange? Palin thinks that every student in America needs to drop what they are doing to visit the "community of New York" to pay their respects at Ground Zero.... lest they never forget what happened there, and to not repeat it. Yeah, she accidentally said that.

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