Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate is ON!

JMc: "Daddy George, please don't leave me. I can't do this. I don't want to go to the debate. I'm scared!"

GWB: "There there now, little Johnny, you'll be alright. Just stick to yer talkin' points, like I always did. If they ask you something, you know, intellectualistic, then just remind them how terrible 9/11 was, and that we have to defeat the terrorists at all costs. OK Johnny? You can let go now. Johnny, let go... your sweatin' on me John..."

1 comment:

Neckdeep said...

Yeah, Obama is much smarter, etc, etc and he blew it.

I'm washing my hands with this whole thing and voting for Nader. At least I'll sleep at night.