Friday, September 12, 2008

Kill bears, censor books, drill ANWR and teach creation?

Apparently, I don't know one single person who can come up with one single intelligent reason to support Sarah Palin's bid for the second highest office in the US. Everyone I know is scratching their heads and crooking their eyebrows and wondering if this nightmare can actually come true. Lets stop wondering and start worrying. Because look what happened last time we wondered a moment too long.

First, vote for Obama. Second... if YOU know somebody who thinks Palin might be a good VP—or far worse, President (should McCain um... expire)—then please enlighten them. has a library of easy-to-email high production quality one minute videos that will leave no one on the fence. Also, there's a pretty compelling list of reasons (and incriminating photos, oh boy!) that not only assert why Palin will make a TERRIBLE leader, but also support that she's a terrible person, who would rather shoot animals and burn books than travel abroad. She's G.W. Bush in a skirt... and potentially more dangerous than Bush and McCain combined. And she's my pick for 'Next Politician To Accidentally Shoot Someone In The Face'.

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