Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey, look... changes!

First, Obama lifted restrictions on US funding for international pro-choice organizations, and restored pregnancy counseling services—and a little piece of America's compassion and dignity—to millions of women who can't afford it. Now, he's granted California and 13 other states autonomy over vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency standards, getting lead-footed federal control out of the way. It's only been a week, and already he's outworked and outsmarted 8 years of Bush/Cheney.


Bluegrass Pundit said...

The "Big Three" are under bankruptcy watch and begging for more bailout money. President Barack Obama thinks this is a good time to appease his environmental base by weighing Detroit down with a new round of environmental regulations. This is a horrible timing and it will severely damage the ability of the "Big Three" to return to profitability. The first increase in CAFE will take place by the 2011 model year. Detroit is now preparing to launch the 2010 model year in July. Read more here. The "Big Three" are sinking and Barack Obama fires a salvo of torpedoes

WordLab said...

Let them beg... and televise it. As far as I'm concerned, the Crippled Three can—and SHOULD—cease to exist tomorrow. And I want all that bailout money back, too. If CEOs unconnected to reality spend decades and billions running their business into the ground, they DESERVE TO FAIL. Only the inexplicable love affair that some dudes have with oversized, clunky, inefficient and inferior vehicles has kept GM and Ford on life support all these years. Enough is enough. Time to die.