Thursday, July 24, 2008

Little book of horrors

Still hanging onto a twig of faith in the Bush administration? This will snap it. Jeremy Scahill's book Blackwater is the true story of what happens when a silver spoon soldier inherits half a billion dollars from his right wing Christian fundamentalist daddy. He buys 1000+ acres in South Carolina, opens a military training compound, and assembles the world's largest private mercenary army. All just in time for the 9/11 response, and massive no-bid contracts from the Pentagon for combat personnel. The kicker? Private 'contractors' are not held accountable for their actions like US soldiers are, so, well, um, ooops sorry those Iraqi civilians got shot. What's for lunch? Warning: reading this book will make you bitter and fidgety for weeks. It will also ensure you vote in November, so there's that.

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