Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A dog named Booger

Six of them, actually. First, the original Booger, who passed away in March of '06, and now, the five CLONED Booger-like puppies that a clearly unhinged person named Bernann McKinney had manufactured by a South Korean biotech firm. Inconsolable over the loss of her best friend, she scoured the globe to find scientists who would take dna from the deceased and use it to create new Boogers. She traveled to Seoul this week to pick up her five brand new former dogs, and paid the 'first commercial customer' discounted price of $50K. That's ten grand apiece for five genetically identical dogs. Look, if I won the lottery tomorrow, and went hog-loco buying myself whatever ridiculously overpriced thing I wanted, I still couldn't justify buying five of the exact same... anything.

Now the names—and I swear I am not making these up: Booger Ra, Booger Lee, Booger Dong, Booger Park and yes, her namesake, little Booger Bernann. "Aw, he has your eyes. I can tell by the gleam of insanity." 

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