Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Attn: bros

Hey bro,

If you've ever tried to find something actions sports-specific on craigslist or ebay—say, a used snowboard—you may have found all the posts you have to sift through that are NOT used snowboards a little frustrating. Like that guy who is selling a paid of used Ray Bans from the 80s but puts the word 'snowboard' in the title, because that's what he used them for 26 years ago, when he was a bro. Lame.

Well, some bros have created a solution for you, bro. is modeled after craigslist, but is skate/surf/snow/bro specific. Bro, you can buy gear, sell gear, list services, list events, find a travel partner or deal, and even hook up with a chick. Or a bro. Your call.

The site is brand new (beta, in fact) so there's not many postings yet. Now might be a good time to post something to sell, bro, and help them get some traffic flowing and bro-ing. Good luck. Bro.

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