Friday, April 3, 2009

I am old

Despite my dedication to the action sports lifestyle and  a strong desire to somehow outsmart the aging process, apparently, I am indeed getting older. Recent evidence includes a few more greys in my sideburns, rapidly deteriorating eyesight, and the occasionally stiff lower back. I should be doing yoga or something to stay loose, but I'm slow to make changes. Well, those days are over. Nothing—and I mean nothing—that has happened to me in the past few years has made me feel older faster than getting this photo of my 8 year old godson, ripping pow at Northstar. I am stoked for him... he's a future action sports hero, no doubt. But very soon, he will be blasting past me going full speed through the trees, and when I'm already off the hill by 2pm, he'll be hiking the pipe. Like I used to. (sigh)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a little rock star! Go C.!